Ventures at the Crossroads of
Health and Technology

As a Venture Capital Management firm founded in 2008, we've honed our expertise in Health Technologies: biotech, medical devices and digital health.

Founded in 2008 by our seasoned, multi-disciplinary executive team and headquartered in Madrid and Barcelona, we are best positioned to reach most vibrant innovation hubs across Europe.

We are at the intersection between…

Science and Technology

We harness the power of scientific research and technological innovation to advance healthcare.

Ventures and Innovation

We back visionary entrepreneurs and innovative ventures that are transforming the healthcare landscape.

Digital and Healthcare

Embracing new digital technologies to enhance people's health

Fund I

OWL Metabolomics

Metabolomic platform with first marketed non invasive diagnostic LDT for NASH.

nLife Therapeutics

Metabolomic platform with first marketed non invasive diagnostic LDT for NASH.

Fund II

Raman Health Technologies

Development of a diagnostic platform based on raman and infrared spectroscopy technology

Iden Biotechnology

Crop improvement (e.g. yield, resistance to biotic and abiotic conditions, and quality) throuigh genetic and biotechnology

Aglaris Cell

Novel bioreactor technology for automated mesenquimal and T-cell cultures.

Fund III: Digital Health III

Fund III's investment thesis is centered on the convergence of digital technologies and healthcare. We seek opportunities that span across platforms that bridge gaps in healthcare access and efficiency, diagnostic solutions that enhance precision, and treatment solutions that empower patients through digital interventions, providing better clinical outcomes. By strategically supporting founders, we aim to catalyze positive disruptions in the healthcare landscape.
Ticket size: 500k€ – 1.5M€, up to 4-5M€ per company.

Stage: Seed, Series A

Geography: Spain, Europe

Current Porfolio


Enrique Castellón


Ángel Santos


Joaquín Velasco


Manuel Castellón


Alejo Costa Rialta


Ignasi Heras


Tim Juergens


María Jaraiz


Isabel Santamaria

Head of Financial & Admin

Beatriz Plaza

Investment Analyst

Brigida Escudero

Administrative Support


CRB Health Tech realiza el primer cierre de su fondo en salud digital con Sanitas como inversor de referencia

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Roca Group apuesta por la salud digital con su entrada en el tercer fondo de CRB Health Tech

Roca Group líder mundial en diseño, producción y comercialización de productos para el espacio de baño, ha entrado en el tercer fondo de la...

CRB Health Tech recibe el respaldo inversor del Ajuntament de Barcelona

El Ajuntament de Barcelona ha anunciado su respaldo institucional al primer fondo dedicado exclusivamente a la salud digital en España, “CRB Digital Health III”,...

CBNK invierte en el fondo de salud digital de CRB Health Tech

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Office in Madrid

C/Almagro, 1 - 1º Dcha
28010 Madrid

Office in Barcelona

C/ del Bruc, 51, L'Eixample
08009 Barcelona


+34 914 467 897
